Django REST Framework & Docker
Docker is a software used to share working environment.
Images and Containers
mages and containers are the two fundamental concepts to grasp when you start with Docker. An image is a snapshot in time of what a project contains. A container is a running instance of the image.
A baking analogy we can use here is as follows:
- A Dockerfile is the recipe for a cake
- An image is a snapshot of the recipe at a given time
- A docker-compose.yml says how to make the cake
- And the container is the actual, baked cake
That last example with Django probably felt a bit too fast to fully understand. And that’s ok. I wanted to show a working example without getting too bogged down in the complexity of images and containers.
The important takeaways from this tutorial are this:
- Docker is a way to run Linux containers
- Containers are a lightweight alternative to Virtual Machines
- Dockerfile is a list of instructions for creating an image
- Images are made up of one or more layers
- Containers are a running instance of an image
- docker-compose.yml controls how to run the container
- Containers are stateless and ephemeral in nature. We can link the local filesystem via volumes but things become more.
- complex with databases (which we didn’t cover here).