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Diversity & Inclusion in the Tech Industry

  1. What occured during the same time as the beginning of the decline of women in computer sciene?

    • Personal computers started showing up.
  2. Why does it matter that males had been playing on computers growing up?

    • It shaped the idea that computers are for men.
  3. What three take-a-ways do you have looking at this data?

    • Males hold the largest tech market share.

    • Whites are the majority when it comes to tech buiseness.

    • Asians hold a large share compared to their percentage of the US population.

  4. When are diversity efforts most successful?

    • hen they’re driven by a commitment from company leaders.
  5. Why do diverse companies perform better?

    • Diverse teams are smarter and more creative.

    • Diverse companies can better serve a diverse user base.

  6. Give an example of how a diverse company can serve a diverse user base or vise-versa.

    • “When YouTube’s almost entirely right-handed developer team built the iOS app without considering how left-handed people would use it, for example, 5% to 10% of videos were uploaded upside down as a result”