What does REST stand for?
- Representational State Transfer.
REST APIs are designed around a resource.
- What is an identifer of a resource? Give an example.
- The URL of the resource, like someone’s Facebook profile page link.
- What are the most common HTTP verbs?
- What should the URIs be based on?
- The nouns (the resource) not the verbs (operations)
- Give an example of a good URI.
- What does it mean to have a ‘chatty’ web API? Is this a good or a bad thing?
- A web API with alot of requests, it is better to combine resource data and minimize requests as possible.
- What status code does a successful GET request return?
- What status code does an unsuccessful GET request return?
- What status code does a successful POST request return?
- What status code does a successful DELETE request return?